Welcome backkkk! I adore your honest words here. When I have entered these loops going to nature has always re-inspired me (eventually) and also doing something im not ‘good’ at — create some to ing out of your normal , it helps you not think about the outcome and keeps you present in the simple act of creation 💓 much love

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I love this idea! Focus on the act, instead of the outcome — easier to do when you know the outcome is gonna be shyt. Genius!

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Jul 15Liked by Leona Waller

Doesn't mother nature create of her own accord? As a part of this absurdity, nature, I feel free to create for creations sake. Doesn't scientific inquiry open more mysteries? Sharpen your tools, maybe? What did they tell you in brain school?? you rock as a writer.

Keep your creation and discovery free from lesser motives like perhaps commercial success or persuading others and it will be more pure. To quote The International Noise Conspiracy "unfettered creativity is one of the most powerful manifestations of subversion possible, for it offers us all a taste of freedom" thank you for your art, I'll keep up mine and be sure to share it thank you, the way you unpack nuances and mixed feelings like perishables in July makes me feel like I'm not alone in this whacky world.

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Oooh thank you for that quote. And your writing is also quite good. I'd love to read more of it sometime ;)

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Jul 14Liked by Leona Waller

It’s nice to have your words again! ❤️

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🥲 thank you

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Jul 14Liked by Leona Waller

I love hearing your voice through your writing again, so glad you are back. I think artists create what they need to see, hear, or feel. If you are able to do that it is likely to resonate with others.

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Thanks Carson! That’s an interesting perspective. It’s totally true for me, but I never thought about it being the way others create too… thanks for giving me some insight into the artist’s mind! I guess I should stop worrying if anyone else will resonate with it, and just go with it!

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Jul 14Liked by Leona Waller

So wonderful you’re back! I’ve missed you!

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Thank you!! All these heartfelt notes are making it such a sweet homecoming. Just for that, now I’ll stick around 😅

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Jul 14Liked by Leona Waller

LOVE! Hurray and welcome back! 💜

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Thanks Sue 🥰

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