So glad I found this piece, thank you!

Though I've heard the word often, I don't think I ever tapped in with the idea of embodiment, because it felt unavailable to me for whatever reason. the way it was broken down here makes it seem attainable and also allows me to see that this is something I've subconciously been working towards.

been having this urge thats telling me I legit need to go find somewhere to scream as loud as possible, that just the sense of vocalizing my rage could be helpful. reading this helped me connect some dots on that feeling. gratitude!

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023Author

This comment made my day! You're so welcome, Kamil. And thank you for reflecting your experience. If all I manage to do through this newsletter is help people feel like the "answer" is not only accessible and but in themselves, then I will be completely fulfilled.

And I hope you find your "scream spot" soon! A pillow has also worked for me in a pinch... Though there is something so freeing about screaming into the sky. Letting the world witness and hold it...

Sending you love for your journey, wherever it takes you!

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Awh yay! Well it seems like you're off to a great start with the newsletter, so thank you!

Claiming that I too will find a scream spot soon so I can just let it all out, it's long overdue!

Receiving that love and returning it right back to you, Leona!

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Jul 28, 2023Liked by Leona Waller

This was the perfect week to read this! Love that you’ve drawn the connection between hiking - vigorous and extensive as it was in this case - and embodiment work. My body does better in embodiment practice when I’m working it out consistently.

Working this week in treating my breath as not only fuel for the soul but also - more novel for me - as the source of listening - trusting that life-force travels through my body on my breath - the mind need not hear it nor understand it.

Love it! Thank you for this!

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Love this Max! Trusting your body is "handling" it — to put it superficially — even if you brain doesn't know what's going on... or that anything is going on.

I can't wait to read your newsletter ;)

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Hola , Durante Años Primero Con Mí Familia , Después Con Los Amigos Y Más Tarde Con Mí Pareja , Camine Cientos De Kilómetros , Recorriendo El Camino De Santiago , Es Una De Las Experiencia Que Más Catarsis Ha Producido En Mí Vida. Un Saludo.

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"The foreboding sensation of something being wet that shouldn’t be wet" is such a visceral example, I love it. Explaining embodiment in parallel with your journey through Spain is so good. Love you!

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